Monday, May 5, 2014

All the specifics on the Tri-Rail Coastal Link

The following is the PowerPoint presentation made by Ami Goddeau from the Florida Department of Transportation.  It was presented to Aventura on April 17, and to our community on April 23.  Goddeau did not have time to go through each page at our meeting, so it is worth taking a look at the full presentation.

[note: the following 1 page was omitted from the Skylake Presentation]
[the following 1 page was omitted from the 4/17 Aventura Presentation]
the following page was new for the 4/23 HOA meeting [not at 4/17 Aventura presentation]

Aventura Mall is in a low-income community?!?!

Not much to write about lately: either I'm busy with real work, or just less cranky.   Aww, you KNOW I'm no less cranky! But even...