Thursday, December 17, 2015

County Report on Annexation/Incorporation Finally Released

This important and long-awaited report can be found online at:

The most applicable recommendations made are #9 (minimum size of 15,000 makes us just barely "feasible" in PMG's eyes), #14 (no cherry picking - like Aventura did), and #15 (no enclaves means that the county would not allow our area to incorporate without including the Miami Gardens condos, who seem to be dead-set against incorporating, making passage very difficult.

In this first chart, the consultant evaluates the financial impact to the county of various areas incorporating as new cities.  Our area is the first on the list, and if we "left" the county by forming a new city, the county would lose $2,094,498 in revenue.

But if we DON'T leave, and other unincorporated areas DO leave, then our tax bills will go up, and the extent of these increases is reflected in this next table:

The last page of the report that I'll highlight here is PMG's assessment of the viability (to become a city) for several currently unincorporated areas (we are the first one listed: "Northeast"). 

So our area has the apparent blessing of PMG to become a city (and on page 8-11 of the report PMG recommends that the County permit a referendum) but note the "N/A" in the "Public Support" column - this refers to all those "NO to incorporation signs" that have now sat for years on the lawns of our community  

So opposition is strong, and the MAC is playing a dangerous game if it negotiates away rights to Ives Dairy Road and concedes a multi-million dollar mitigation payment to the county that may not even become necessary.  Regardless, the NE MAC already has a budget, it will schedule 2 public meetings very soon (if it hasn't already), and a vote remains possible in 2016.

Aventura Mall is in a low-income community?!?!

Not much to write about lately: either I'm busy with real work, or just less cranky.   Aww, you KNOW I'm no less cranky! But even...