Tuesday, March 10, 2015

WoA is "For the Birds"

"West Aventura" has some things the City of Excellence doesn't.  For example, this time of year we have vultures, and not just the kind that want cheap properties.  Here are 3 bird varieties, all with approximate 6-foot wingspans, actually sighted in the past week:

This appears to be a leucistic Turkey Vulture. The typical Turkey Vulture is an all-black bird. This one (clearly a vulture given it's bald head) probably lacks the normal level of melanin, causing this very unusual color pattern.

Ospreys are pretty common in our area.  Their high-pitched calls (like "peeps") make you think it's coming from a much smaller bird, but if you search for the source, you may find one of these massive birds near the area's lakes and streams.  It is said to be the only bird able to take off vertically from water.  This one was photographed with a large bluegill fish.

Finally, a truly rare sight, hidden among all the turkey vultures circling the area was this American Bald Eagle.  Seen only once before in 15 years, this is the first successful photographing.

So it's not all raccoons and possums.  There are many varieties of herons, we have Egrets, Ibis, Kingfishers, Moorhens and Coots, Muscovy and Mallard Ducks and (very noisy) Egyptian Geese.  Still waiting to see a flamingo though.

Aventura Mall is in a low-income community?!?!

Not much to write about lately: either I'm busy with real work, or just less cranky.   Aww, you KNOW I'm no less cranky! But even...