Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Nextdoor Polling on Annexation/Incorporation

In April, 2015, a series of polls were conducted on neighborhood social media site "", and since the questions and results are germaine to the scope of this blog, they are reproduced below:

The first poll generated a lot of discussion, which is expected given that it's a bit of a 'hot button' issue giving rise to lawn signs and the like.  It was also familiar territory for discussion.  The second poll explored more untested possibilities, and the direction was much more decisive:

The third poll matched the second as far as being more untested.  In #3, the community did not show NMB the same love as it did for Aventura.

In the "grand finale," annexation by Aventura proved to be 340% more popular than forming a new city "West of Aventura".  Curious since this (clearly more preferable) option has no known or organized support, like the pro-incorporation movement (CIND) or the anti-incorporation movement.  

The only commentary I offer on all this is: I always suspected Aventura would be preferred to the risks and uncertainties of forming a new city, because Aventura is "the devil you know."  The question is: if they don't want us, can the County force them to swallow us anyway?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

197th Street Tri-Rail Station

As noted elsewhere in the blog, trains are coming.  The question is: how many, and when.  But a separate question is "will we suffer all of the negatives of increased rail traffic without the benefits of a local station to use ourselves?"

WoA will stay current on all known developments concerning this important issue, which today includes an excerpt from this month's issue of Biscayne Times.  For the full article, click here.

Here is the concluding portion, which discusses our area specifically, and mirrors some of the concerns expressed on this blog that (i) space to house a future station is quickly evaporating to development, (ii) we have little control over what's going on, and (iii) Aventura seems to know a hell of a lot more.

Aventura Mall is in a low-income community?!?!

Not much to write about lately: either I'm busy with real work, or just less cranky.   Aww, you KNOW I'm no less cranky! But even...